Its coming up Saturday August 27th 2005... go over to for more info. And if you are interested please leave me a comment and we can try and organize something for the Lower Mainland-Vancouver area.
Part of a current thread on the Drawing Board is to draw yourself in the style of the Gorillaz...thought I should share here as well. Posted by Picasa
I am happy to report that the local comic shop I haunt has picked up some copies of my comic to sell within their store: Triple Play Collectibles on 128th Street Surrey.
Also: I have finished three pages of issue 2 and have 3 more roughed out ready to be cleaned up.
Why is it most people use the blog to bitch and whine about things they may or not have any clue or control as to what they are bitching and whining about. In the words of Alberto Ruiz, don't just sit there, draw something!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
It has arrived...issue number 1 for my comic Moonglow has finally arrived, I have to say it was worth the wait. I would have liked it prior to comic con but this is just nice to see it all actually done, bound and printed. I will be listing these for sale immediatley, if you are interested please email me. Posted by Picasa